Mississippi BodyWalk Blog

being smart from the inside out

Body Walk in Vicksburg MS November 20, 2012

Happy Early Thanksgiving!

Body Walk most recently traveled to Beechwood Elementary. We had adult volunteers that helped with the set up and take down. This worked out great and the exhibit went up and came down smoothly, and in record time. Kindergarten through 5th grade toured the Body Walk, learning how to ‘be smart from the inside out.” They had a great time traveling from station to station. They loved the plasma ball in the brain. One little girl asked me, “Is that a crystal ball?” She was only slightly disappointed to learn it was not. The children learned about why it is important to be healthy, and how they can make healthy choices. The presenters not only told them why too much sugar is bad, they showed how much sugar is in common foods, and what all that sugar can do to teeth. They not only taught that vegetables are important, but showed models of healthy vegetables so the kids could recognize them when they encountered them later.  They didn’t just say, exercise works your heart, they had the kids jump up and down, then feel their pulse.

Plasma ball. Nothing crystal or fortune-telling about it.

At Beechwood, all the kids were all ready there on site, and they gym was connected to all the classrooms by halls. This was great because kids have to remove their shoes before they go inside the exhibit. The kids could remove their shoes in the classroom. The benefits were very noticeable. The students had a much shorter wait time before it was their turn. Also, the noise level was low. A low noise level means the kids inside the exhibit can really hear and focus on what they are learning. Overall, it was just a great day.

Not seen on this trip. The kids got to leave their shoes in their room.

Allied Health students were our volunteers this time. They did a good job presenting the material. They were enthusiastic and animated as they told the children why teeth brushing is so important. They stressed the need for strong bones and muscles, as well as healthy lungs unpolluted with cigarette smoke. Their teacher, Marian Banks, kept them on task and focused.

Allied Health Students taught in the Body Walk.

Marcus Davis booked BW for his county. Also on hand from Extension were Brenda Parks and Wesley Purvis. After the set-up, the adults wanted a quick tour. I took them through the exhibit, explaining what the students would be learning. I explained some of the props and activities. They enjoyed hearing about all the different rooms. None of them knew the average length of human intestines, so I think it’s safe to say they learned one new thing on the super fast tour.

Next up, Newton MS.